Tangy Lemon Vinaigrette
Combine all ingredients and whisk. Drizzle over salad or use as a marinade for your proteins.
Change the flavor by swapping out the lemon for orange or pineapple.
To eliminate or not to eliminate, that is the question.
I get a lot of questions about an elimination diet.
- Do elimination diets work?
- What foods should I eliminate?
- How long do I need to eliminate those foods?
- What foods can I eat?
Elimination diets can be extremely effective and informative. BUT, can you stick it out?
Elimination diets:
What does GI symptoms and Thyroid health have in common?
When the thyroid gland is imbalanced it can result in digestive problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), among other things. (1)
The gut and thyroid have a direct connection. When the thyroid gland produces too many hormones, this high level of hormones can result in Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism, making the body experience several conflicting symptoms, a few of which affect the gut. (2)
As explained in my previous blog post, 4 Ways to Support Thyroid Health, I talk with my clients who have a thyroid condition about reviving the gut microbiota with a 5-step holistic approach.
One of the 5-steps is diet, another is stress management. Diet along with environmental triggers can stress out the body causing internal hidden stressors.
Here are 4 ways you can support the thyroid by reducing internal stress.
If you have a food...
Feeling exhausted?
Feeling puffy - can’t lose weight?
Feeling irregular?
Your doc has diagnosed it as thyroid dysfunction. You may have left the office with a prescription for life.
In our modern day world of fast food and multi-tasking, more women are plagued with hormone imbalances and autoimmune conditions due to the external stressors of chemicals, poor food, high stress, and toxic bugs.
The gut and thyroid have a direct connection. A healthy gut microbiota not only has beneficial effects on the activity of the immune system, but also on thyroid function. (1)
So when a client comes to me with a thyroid condition we talk a lot about reviving the gut microbiota with a 5-step holistic approach.
One of the 5-steps is diet. Here are 4 ways you can support the thyroid through diet.
When it comes to thyroid health, certain carbs can be “bad.” Balancing your intake is important as...
School is back in session.
Sports are full throttle.
And corporate duties are never ending as you overachieve and outperform.
High quality meals can be hard to come by when you’re a SuperMOM. Protein at breakfast and lunch helps to stablize the blood sugar and reduces the amount of times you want to stand in the pantry snacking on processed food that doesn't really taste good.
These protein balls can be used as a meal add-on or as a quick simple snack. I always make two batches as they freeze well for the next week or travel events.
The Best Protein Balls
Blend all ingredients, then form into balls and roll in...
A hopeful day is waking up feeling happy and empowered to crush it.
Reality is rolling out of bed, looking at your phone and seeing a string of emails from corporate, teachers, and coaches. Your brain immediately goes from SuperWoMOM to tireMOM.
The next thing you know your day is triple booked with meetings and kid activities. Yet again, you end the day derailed from your wellness goals.
You must give yourself permission to practice self-care to have a fulfilling life. Engaging in regular, high quality self-care is crucial; it has a positive ripple effect on our personal and professional success. Consider self-care as a high-leverage business tool, a tool which will help you climb the goal ladder.
Participation in self-care will ebb and flow. The areas of your life that need balance will shift and the ways you want to fill those needs will change as well. How self-care looks in your life may change drastically from one chapter to the next, but it’s...
I love sharing a good find!
Quality protein powders are HARD to come by. Most powders are heavily and chemically processed and contain fillers which bulk up the powders so the manufacture can save money.
Paleovalley Bone Broth Protein is one of the "cleanest" powders I've seen on the market. I love the fact that the under the supplement facts where is says, "Other Ingredients:" it states NONE.
Clinical studies indicated bone broth is one of the most nourishing, anti-aging and gut supportive foods. (Not yet evaluated by FDA).
Ingredients to raise your eyebrow at and conduct research:
Schedule a Break thru the Gut Rut strategy call with me today to start understanding your reactive foods and how to balance your system to start feeling good. Schedule your session here-> BREAK THRU
Be Gutsy...
Tomatoes are Michigan’s summer fruit and our Fam eats a lot of them!
As new gut health research evolves they’re finding more benefits in plant sources. The fiber in tomatoes promotes the growth of good bacteria and discourages harmful bacteria such as C. difficile, according to Canada’s GI Society. (1) Tomatoes are also an outstanding source of lycopene, a powerful antioxidant protecting cells from aging (Hello, nature’s natural anti-aging cream!)
A healthy gut can help you lose weight and much more. If you’re struggling to lose a pound because you are suffering from gut dysbiosis, an imbalance in healthy vs bad gut bacteria, you may want to boost probiotic activity with tomatoes.
Signs of poor gut health include the inability to lose stubborn weight, constipation, and diarrhea.
During the summer months take advantage of tomatoes because they are vibrant in color and bursting with flavor!
Here’s a simple Summer Tomato Salad...
If you’re feeling blah from a weekend full of burgers, sexy cocktails, and chips & dips, kick off the week with a meatless Monday. This will allow your body to “Rest & Digest & Recover” so that you crave healthy food throughout the week.
I get it, after a Summer Fun weekend you wake up Monday feeling bloated, foggy, and not motivated to get back in that bathing suit.
I’m pro protein but allowing your body to “Rest & Digest” by consuming a meatless meal is a great idea to help take the load off your overreacted digestion system. When you have a chronic health condition like weight gain or bloating you may need to first focus on consuming foods that are easy to digest. This may mean consuming mono meals (1 ingredient meal), slightly cooked veggies, smoothies, or soup.
Cherries are natural health bombs. They promote better sleep, because they are a good natural source of melatonin, (BTW, there is a higher level...
A common food ingredient I see on my client’s food sensitivity & GI Map test results is GLUTEN. Gluten sensitivity can cause gut inflammation, intestinal permeability, weight management issues, and damage to the gut biome.
Giving up any food even though you know it makes you sick can be difficult. Especially for an ingredient like gluten because it’s found in wheat, which is typically a big part of your normal diet.
I mean, how does one live without these salad toppers or these morning kickoff foods??? No fear, it’s possible and you will learn to love it!
Foods that usually contain gluten:
Maintaining a certain diet or avoiding certain ingredients when you work at home can be easier to follow but as...
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