Why having a Vision is Important

goals mindset Apr 29, 2020

WARNING - video contains inappropriate mom language! :) 

5 simple tips on creating a clear vision:

  1. Think BIG - real big, where you're too scared to start.  If your mission doesn't require the feeling of being uncomfortable than your vision is too small.
  2. Make it positive - stop thinking about the "risks" or the "fails." Think about what your life will look like after you follow through. 
  3. Don't ask "How?" just dream - pretend you're sipping on gin & juice on the beach. You're in lala land and you allow your mind to drift.  I get excited for you thinking about it! 
  4. MAKE IT REAL by writing it out. There's something about pen to paper which makes you commit. 
  5. Shout it out! Make it real by sharing it with someone you love. 

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