Pros of a Food Elimination Diet

gut health weight loss Apr 07, 2022


To eliminate or not to eliminate, that is the question.

I get a lot of questions about elimination diets.

  • Do elimination diets work?
  • What foods should I eliminate?
  • How long do I need to eliminate those foods?
  • What foods can I eat?

Elimination diets can be extremely effective and informative. BUT, can you stick it out?

Pros to elimination diets:

  • Help you discover which foods you may be sensitive or intolerance to. During this diet period it allows your body time to restore from the constant inflammatory response from certain foods triggering in your digestive and immune system.
  • Add in nutrient-dense and anti-inflammatory foods which help accelerate rebuilding & restoring a healthy internal environment for the digestive system.
  • Typically eliminate gluten, grains, dairy, soy, nightshade vegetables, all processed foods, added sugars, peanuts and tree nuts, alcohol, and eggs.
  • Typically eliminate foods for at least 30 days and then are slowly reintroduced one by one so you can identify which specific food is triggering a symptom.  
  • Clear the confusion between a food allergy, sensitivity, or intolerance.
  • Clear the confusion with what foods cause digestive symptoms vs. other symptoms like acne, headaches, eczema, negative moods, anxiety, and fatigue.
  • Reduce inflammation and restore the balance of healthy gut bacteria. A healthy gut microflora lowers your risk for disease and can also reduce many of the gastrointestinal symptoms.

If you’re ready to dive all in you can eliminate these foods for a minimum of 90 days: dairy, gluten, soy, sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and your food sensitivities. If you’re not sure of your food sensitivities, contact me on the best test and approach.

My passion is to help you learn what foods are “right” for your unique body. What worked for you in the past may no longer work for you now. Schedule a Gutsy Weight Loss strategy call with me today so that you can start feeling good. Schedule your session here->GUTSY

Be Gutsy as a Mother,




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