3 Tips to Boost Your Skin and Gut Health

gut health skincare Jun 23, 2021

Years of painful skin dermatitis on my hands was one of my first signs of poor gut health. Years of over the counter and prescription steroid creams never worked and left me feeling like my raw, irritated hands was something I’d have to deal with for life. Little did I know my dermatitis would disappear after I balanced my gut bacteria and rebuilt my gut lining. 

Before I was certified I didn’t realize the strong connection between the gut and skin. Now I understand that skin can be negatively impacted by poor gut health, chemicals, makeup, junk foods, stress, and more. These variables can cause many side effects, including acne, dryness, red marks, and even wrinkles.  

The skincare industry has us by every “wrinkle, cellulite bump, pimple, and dark spot.” It is a multi billion dollar industry with new potions coming on the market faster than my kids can run to the ice cream truck. The probiotic-packed skincare position even started cropping up at an unprecedented rate in 2020. 

There are many solutions, potions, and lotions that can improve the condition of your skin, but will they boost your gut and present flawless skin in the long run?

Here’s 3 ingredients which do both: 

Lemon Juice

Boost Your Skin: 

The acidic properties of lemon juice cleanses the pores and exfoliates the skin which helps to rid it of pimples and blackheads. Lemon juice is dense with antioxidants and vitamins which help to reduce the red and dark spots, resulting in a glowing complexion.

Usage: For non-sensitive skin apply lemon juice directly to the skin using a cloth or cotton ball.  For sensitive skin mix lemon juice with water or make a mask with lemon juice, honey, turmeric, and argan oil. Leave the mask on for 15 to 30 minutes.

Boost Your Gut:

Drinking hot lemon water early in the morning before breakfast helps fire up your metabolism. Lemons are rich in vitamin C and fiber which supports the integrity of the gut lining. As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C protects the cells against free radicals, and has the potential to reduce gut inflammation and boost the immune system. (1)

Green Tea

Boost Your Skin:

Green tea can reduce bacteria in pores, decrease inflammation, acne, and symptoms of conditions like rosacea. It also removes dead skin cells and promotes healthier cells, helping them grow and heal more effectively, leading to smooth, glowing skin.

Usage: Apply soaked green tea bags directly to dark spots or make a simple face mask. Green Tea Mask recipe: blend green tea leaves, water, argan oil, aloe, turmeric, and sugar. Lather face and leave mixture on for 15-30 minutes.

Boost Your Gut:

Green tea is dense with antioxidants which aids in weight loss, strengthening hair, boosting energy levels, and helps to populate healthy bacteria in the gut. Research conducted in Ohio State University found evidence proving that green tea can encourage the growth of good gut bacteria, leading to a litany of benefits, including lowering the risk of obesity. It can also result in less permeability in the intestinal wall, a condition which is often referred to as “leaky gut”. (2)

Aloe Vera 

Boost Your Skin:

Besides soothing your sun kissed skin, aloe can reduce dark spots on the face and other parts of the body with its moisturizing and purifying qualities. The enzymes, vitamins, acids, and other properties in the aloe plant's gel help fight skin infection and can reduce redness and inflammation.

Aloe in its original form comes in a gel substance from the aloe plant. Aloe vera can be found in various lotions, chap sticks, masks, and other products, but the plant gel can be applied to any part of the body.

Boost Your Gut:

Aloe vera contains enzymes which aid in the digestive process of breaking down sugars and fats into simple molecules. It can also assist with decreasing any irritation in the stomach and intestines. (3)

When doing a gut restoration protocol, aloe vera is an ingredient used in supplements to help reduce inflammation and address IBS symptoms like constipation and diarrhea. Aloe vera also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce gastrointestinal inflammation. (4)

If consuming aloe vera juice, it is important that it is purified, or decolorized because it removes any phenolic compounds. Unpurified aloe vera may also have unpleasant side effects such as cramping and diarrhea.(5) If you decide to drink aloe juice, the recommendation is 100 to 200 milligrams of aloe juice or 50 milligrams of aloe extract daily, or as needed, for constipation.(7)

Schedule a Break thru the Gut Rut strategy call with me today to start understanding your reactive foods and how to balance your system to start feeling good. Schedule your session here-> BREAK THRU

Be Gutsy as a Mother,


Ps: Ready to ditch the belly bloat and increase your energy? Sign up for my 5-day gut health challenge, learn more here-> REVIVE


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